Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR Research question #4

 Hey guys! In this blog post I will be discussing my last question (question #4) for my CCR project.

This is the question:

- How did you integrate technologies—software, hardware, and online—in this project?


In my film opening, I was able to integrate technologies (software, hardware, and online) during the production. To start, for hardware, I used filming equipment like cameras. I used a Sony ZV-1F. This camera is an entry-level vlogging camera. It has a 20mm lens that allows for people to fit more of the background into the frame. This is good for showing surroundings and creating a better experience for the viewers. It also helps capture the crisp details of Maya's reaction and expression during the controversial photo.

I used an iPhone for the scenes where Maya checks her phone and where she is confronted about the photo of "her." The phone is a central part of the film, as it is an important item for the story of the film. I used close-up shots to show the screen of Maya's phone when she was checking the notifications and close-ups when in the scene of Maya seeing the photo.


I used CapCut to edit my film shots and clips, which helped me edit the film and create a good-looking result. I was able to smoothly put the scenes together, adjust the pacing, and apply color correction for the shots that came off too dark.

For the editing, I also was able to incorporate text writing for the beginning credentials. 

I used background soundtracks to make my film to set the mood into a calm vibe. For example, in the introduction, where it leads up from the hallway to Maya's bedroom, where she is first seen sleeping.

This is what I have found when researching so far for this last question. 

CCR Research part 3

 Hey everybody! In this blog I will be going over my research for the CCR research question #3.

Here is the question: 

- How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

Throughout my production, I have learned and developed a variety of skills that I didn't know before. There were definitely many challenges and issues I had to face when creating my film opening. At times it was difficult, as I was doing this project on my own. But I was able to work them out. One way my production skills were developed was I was able to learn more about conveying emotions and portraying character without relying on heavy dialogue. Such as in the first scene of my film, where the girl wakes up to the loud sounds of notifications on her phone. I carefully framed the shots and used close-ups to allow the audience to feel like they were there. 

I also learned more about the sound design and timing. For example, in the scene where the main character "Maya" gets startled by the loud sequence of banging coming from her front door, I got more comfortable with sound mixing and creating tension through the timing. What I mean is I was able to time the sound of loud banging at the door perfectly to startle both the character and the audience. 

The third skill is being able to work with actors to create a well-done performance that can show the audience the real emotion, like, confusion, urgency, and shock. Maya's annoyed reaction to the notification on her phone and the shocking discovery of seeing the photo that is supposedly her, make the film feel more real. I was able to see and learn more about that as I was filming and trying to figure out how to make the film feel realistic.

This is a brief summary of what I have learned so far and what I have developed during the production of my film opening. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR research part 2

 Hey everybody In today's blog, I will be showing you my research for the second question of the CCR.

Here is the second question:

- How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My Response: 

My product engages with audiences by connecting with the younger teenage viewers who can relate to receiving many notifications, and the terrifying thought of a bad picture of themself spreading around. The shock of seeing the photo makes the audience invested in her search for answers. Making them ask the question, "Who is this mystery girl in the photo?" 

My film opening can be distributed as a real media text by being available through different social media and being promoted by using a false "leaked" photo and campaigns to get people invested. The film opening could also be streamed on different platforms, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. It could be released as a miniseries or as a short film on YouTube or apps such as TikTok.

So far this is what I have researched and found for the second question. I know that I do need more information, but this is kind of like an overall idea of what I would be discussing when answering this question in the CCR.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Group Meeting 2

 Hey everybody! In my Aice Media Studies class today my teacher put us into groups again to do our group meeting #2. 

In this meeting we were able to discuss with our members about our projects and the progress so far. 

In my specific group we discussed each of our films and what they were about. Everyone was able to show their progress during filming and how much they have accomplished (some more then others). We shared pictures and videos from our projects.

We also discussed our issues we each had during our production.

For example, I explained how I had troubles with the recording and camera and I didn't actually record some of the clips, so I had to redo the entire film. I also discussed how I had to find another actress to portray the part of the bestfriend instead of myself doing it. And because I didn't have a large tripod it was harder to film shots with both the characters and record at the same time, especially in the certain location I was filming the shots in that didn't really have a place to set the camera.

My group also talked about the CCR, majority of us still didn't know what to do for our CCR's as some of us were behind and others were just creativity blocked, such as myself. 

I was able to discuss some ideas I had for one of the CCR's which was, to sort of like a "my life" video. I would tweak it a bit to where its different but I would have a video looking at a whiteboard and draw out the questions I am discussing, although this would be a bit difficult as I would have to put it in time-lapse and also draw a lot and have the audio behind it.

I am still thinking about what other ideas I could have that would be more creative.

In my group we were able to point out mistakes for some of the members so that they are more aware of what they are doing wrong, such as when one of the members had made his film that was to similar to what we couldn't make our film about. So we gave him suggestions and ideas that he could use to switch up his film so that its better.

Here is a picture from the group meeting with all our members. 

CCR Research question #4

 Hey guys! In this blog post I will be discussing my last question (question #4) for my CCR project. This is the question: - How did you int...