Hey everybody! In my Aice Media Studies class today my teacher put us into groups again to do our group meeting #2.
In this meeting we were able to discuss with our members about our projects and the progress so far.
In my specific group we discussed each of our films and what they were about. Everyone was able to show their progress during filming and how much they have accomplished (some more then others). We shared pictures and videos from our projects.
We also discussed our issues we each had during our production.
For example, I explained how I had troubles with the recording and camera and I didn't actually record some of the clips, so I had to redo the entire film. I also discussed how I had to find another actress to portray the part of the bestfriend instead of myself doing it. And because I didn't have a large tripod it was harder to film shots with both the characters and record at the same time, especially in the certain location I was filming the shots in that didn't really have a place to set the camera.
My group also talked about the CCR, majority of us still didn't know what to do for our CCR's as some of us were behind and others were just creativity blocked, such as myself.
I was able to discuss some ideas I had for one of the CCR's which was, to sort of like a "my life" video. I would tweak it a bit to where its different but I would have a video looking at a whiteboard and draw out the questions I am discussing, although this would be a bit difficult as I would have to put it in time-lapse and also draw a lot and have the audio behind it.
I am still thinking about what other ideas I could have that would be more creative.
In my group we were able to point out mistakes for some of the members so that they are more aware of what they are doing wrong, such as when one of the members had made his film that was to similar to what we couldn't make our film about. So we gave him suggestions and ideas that he could use to switch up his film so that its better.
Here is a picture from the group meeting with all our members.
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