Friday, February 28, 2025

costume creation

Hey everybody!

Today was the day I began my filming. I was a bit nervous and stressed out as I was sick this whole week to the point where I even missed some school, so I was scared I wouldn't be able to do my best when creating my film. My actress was also just recovering from being sick as well. So yeah, it was a bit scary. 

But besides that, in today's blog, I wanted to focus on the costumes for my two characters. I am not going to go into depth, as there is not much behind the costumes for my characters. 

1. Mayas outift:

Mayas outift is quite simple to understand. Its a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white hoodie. I chose this outfit because I think it's fitting for a teenage girl. I personally always wear some sort of sweatshirt with a teacher or hoodie when going to sleep, so I think this was perfect. I also see Maya's character as carefree but also put together. So I think this is a good casual outfit for a teen.

2. Bree's Outfit:

Brees Outift is just a pair of white sweatpants with a black, tight semi-cropped t-shirt. I chose this outfit because I think it shows how Bree is always ready and put together. I think it shows that she is also simple and casual. With this outfit, I had a ponytail and my makeup done to show that Bree is always ready and presentable. 

I chose for Maya to be wearing sweatpants because she is supposed to have just woken up from her sleep, even though it's not morning anymore. I chose for Bree to be put together so that Its easier to see that it isn't the morning and that Maya had woken up late. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Camera equipment

Hey guy's! In today's blog, I will be sharing my filming equipment and explaining what each part is used for. 

Here is a picture of all the parts together.

My friend was kind enough to let me borrow her camera so I could use it for the production of my film. 

1. The camera: 

This is the vlogging camera that I will be filming my opening with. 

It is a Sony ZV-1F. This camera is an entry-level vlogging camera. It has a 20mm lens that allows for people to fit more of the background into the frame. This is good for showing surroundings and creating a better experience for the viewers. It is a very portable camera, which is good for filming. It uses a 20.1MP 1-inch Exmor RS CMOS sensor, which gives excellent image quality. It has sharp focus.

2. The mics:

These are the mics that came with the camera.
These mics are used to help improve the audio quality when filming. 
All you have to do is clip them on to a piece of clothing on the camera, and you're all set. For my filming, I'm going to have my actress clip the mic under her clothing so it won't be visible to the viewers. That way I can have good audio. 

3. The tripod: 

This is the tripod that came with the camera. Unfortunately, the photo is upside down, but the tripod is very useful for my filming. It allows me to have still footage and not shaky footage. The tripod has controls where I can move it. I can also take photos on it and record on it. Although I wish I had a bigger tripod that I could use, this one will still be useful. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

What kind of audio?

Hey guys. For this blog, I will be explaining the types of audio techniques I will be using for my film opening. 

To start What Music?

For my specific film, I wasn't sure if I should include any music because I thought my film wouldn't need it. But I remembered that in the beginning of my film opening, when I am showing shots leading up to Maya, I was going to roll the credentials, so I would probably want some music to play while the credentials roll. I still want to get some advice from my classmates and friends to see what I should do. But for now, here is some non-copyright music I think would be good for the film opening.


Sound effects:

Now for sound effects I wanted to incorporate some foley sound effects, as I think it could be more useful in certain parts of my film opening.

For example, in the scene where Maya walks from her room to the kitchen, I could use foley sound effects by creating my own footsteps for Maya walking to make it seem more realistic. The enhanced sound of the footsteps could help the viewers see that Maya is alone and that there is no movement in the house, for it is quiet. For this, I could use a hard marble tile and mimic the sound of footsteps going along the hallway. 

Another Foley sound effect I could use is for the scene of Bree knocking very loudly on the door. This is important because it will help show the urgency of Bree in trying to get Maya's attention more clearly. For this I could record audio of me knocking loudly on a wooden door. 

Script time

Hey Guys! In this blog, I am going to be showing you guys my script I have created for my film opening. 

A script is very useful in creating a film as it provides a more organized and laid-out idea of what the characters are feeling and going to say. At first I was a bit lost since I've never written a script before. But with the help of the samples of past scripts that my teacher has shown us, I was able to figure it out. 

Here is the link to my script. I hope you like it.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Props


 Hey everybody! For this Blog post I will be talking about the props used and their importance to the film. (P.S. I will update this blog when I have pictures of the props for when I begin filming.)

1st Main Prop:

The for the first main prop I will need Printed photos. In these photos I will take pictures, before filming, of Maya hanging out with friends. These are needed to represent Mayas Outgoing lifestyle, and to show her extroverted side. I will choose a day before the day of filming to get with my actors to have a little photo shoot and then I will print them out and figure out where I will place them for the set. 

2nd Main Prop:

The second main prop will be the phone. The Phone is one of the major props needed for the film opening and its story. The phone is where the mystery part of this drama will come from. The phone is used when Bree (the bestfriend of Maya) shows her the controversial photo of her. 

For this photo My actress and I will plan a time for when we can create the photo. Now the photo is a key part because it is what starts getting Maya in trouble and causing her problems. In the photo I decided to have it look like Maya doing something bad, like her doing something bad at a party. This photo is what will be going around online. It starts conflicts for Maya as she is getting in trouble with the school. Which is bad for her since she is trying to get into a good college. The twist is its not actually Maya in the photo, even though the girl in the photo looks almost identical to her and is wearing the same necklace. 

So basically the photo is a very important part of the story. 

3rd Main Prop:

The last main prop is the necklace. This is the necklace that Maya is supposedly always wearing. It's supposed to be a gift from her mother, that she gives to Maya when she was really young. This is going to be a necklace that has a matching necklace to it. But Maya doesn’t know who has the other piece, she just always assumed her mother never wore it. The reason why the necklace is such an important item for the film is because in the controversial photo, the girl who everyone thinks is Maya, is going to be wearing the other half of the necklace. 

So basically, the girl in the photo is Mayas twin who were separated at birth and never knew nor met each other. And the photo of the twin is going to be causing a lot of problems for Maya at school. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

What's My Set?

Picking a Location:

Hey Guys! when I finished creating my movie plot and idea for the film opening, I needed to start deciding where it will be filmed. Since it's taking place in a house, I thought its most reasonable to film it in my own home. My only problem I came across was that my house my be to chaotic. For my film I need the house to be empty and quiet, since my main character is usually on her own since she lives with her mom who is always at work. But living with two brothers, dad, and Hispanic mother, having a quiet house can be a bit of a struggle. 

But I couldn't find or think of any other location to wear I could film, so I decided to just keep it at my house. I'll have to find a way for my family to be quiet :)

Scene 1: My Bedroom

The first scene is where Maya (The main character) will wake up from the loud noises of notifications on her phone. So for this scene I want to redesign my bedroom in a way that perfectly portrays Maya and her life. 

I'm thinking for this I can add simple decoration that each have a significance to Mayas character. I feel like Maya is a very organized teen, so her bedroom should be pretty clean. I want to add maybe a photo wall or something to display various photos to show Mayas extroverted side. I also want to have her desk with a bunch of school books and homework papers to show her studious side. Since getting into a good college is a big focus in Mayas life. 

I think for the bedroom I'll include calm lighting, maybe just the light from my window to show that its the morning, where she is just waking up.

The Hallway: 

For the scene where Maya is walking through the hallway into the kitchen, I want the hallway to be empty and a bit of darker lighting to show that the house hasn't "woken" up yet and that Maya really is the only one home. 

The Kitchen:

Same as the hallway I want to keep the kitchen clean and empty to show that there isn't much motion that goes on in the kitchen. I will keep the lighting low, like no house lights on to show the morning vibe. I want to have the kitchen table organized and chairs tucked in so that its more clear that no one really eats there. 

Front Living Room/Door Area:

This will be the setting of the last location for the film opening. Where Maya is confronted about this "controversial" photo by her bestfriend Bree. In the background of this scene I will have the living room empty. The lighting will be a bit brighter and show more of the sunlight, to show that the sun is rising more. 

I wish I could show pictures of the set, but unfortunately I haven't begin filming yet. But soon!!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Introducing Maya and Bree!

Hey guys! In today's blog, I am going to be presenting you all to my main characters for my film opening.

First, I am going to be introducing Maya. Maya will be the main character who the film opening is going to be about. 

Maya is a 17-year-old high school student. 

Family life: She lives with her mom and has never met her dad. Her mom is basically never home and is always working. Maya is an only child. 

Social Life: Maya is an A+ student who strives to get good grades. She wants to get into a good college. She is very focused on school and does well in her classes. Although being a good student, Maya is very outgoing and very much an extrovert. She's not popular, but she is known for being very friendly and social. She has a lot of friends, but her best friend is "Bree.". 

More Info: Maya is always wearing part of a matching necklace that her mom gave her. She doesn't know where the other half is. 

Here is a mood/personality board I created for Maya. This is to show her kind of aesthetic and vibe. 

The next character I'm introducing is Bree! Bree is the best friend of Maya in the film.

Now for Bree, there isn't much to go deep into, as she is not the most important character. So here is a brief description.

Bree is a 17-year-old high school student. She is more careless and free than Maya. Bree isn't the best in school, but she is very social and extroverted, just like Maya. They both enjoy going out and meeting new people. Bree likes drama and gossip. 

Bree and Maya have been best friends since they were little. They met in elementary school and clicked ever since. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Aice media theories

Hey everyone! In today's blog post, I am going to be talking about identity theory and how I will attempt to integrate it into my film opening. 

Identity theory is a type of media theory that explores how media representations shape and reflect the understanding of personal and social identities. Identity theory is also how people make sense of their identity through affiliation with larger groups. The media doesn't create identity but reflects it. 

For my film opening, I would like to attempt integrating identity theory. 

In the scene where the main girl wakes up from the sound of spam texts and, though checking her phone, ignores the texts, the messages represent how her identity is made by media-driven forces, and the part where she ignores it shows her carelessness towards her online identity through media. 

In the scene where the best friend confronts her about a photo of her at a party, it challenges her perception of herself. When the main girl tells her friend that she was never at a party to begin with, this shows media's power to misrepresent and distort identity. 

The scene where the girl realizes that there is someone who looks exactly like her at a party shows her identity is fragmented, meaning she is undure of her identity. And who is controlling her public persona and making her out to be someone she is not?

Lastly, the reaction of the best friend, where she is spamming her with texts and calls and showing up loudly at her door, shows that the main girl's social identity is shaped by group perceptions and how others see her based off of her social media. 


 Hello guys!, In todays blog I am going to be showing my film opening storyboard. 

Creating a storyboard is a great way to help organize a better outline for shots and scenes during your film. Its a way to have a more visual understanding of what you want your scenes to look like. Storyboarding can be very helpful when filming; for example, when forgetting specific shots or scenes, having a storyboard can help stay on track. 

Even though I wasnt the best drawer, this tie for my storyboard it helped me realize what shots and angles I may want to use for the creation of my film opening. 

Down below are pictures of my storyboard I created!

Friday, February 14, 2025

What is my film?

Hi everybody! In today's blog, I'm going to be discussing my overall plans for my film opening! It is still a work in progress, and I'm sure there is more for me to add and fix, but this is a brief explanation/breakdown of my film plot. 

If I'm being honest, it did take me a bit to figure out what I wanted to do for my plot. Since I decided that my genre is going to be a drama, I also thought it would be cool to make it like a coming-of-age mystery. 

When I first started plotting ideas for the film, I knew I wanted it to be about two girls. After help from my classmates during our group meeting and advice from my friends, I was able to come up with a storyline. For my movie plot, I want it to be about a girl who is shown a controversial photo of herself at a party that's been going around the night before. But when confronted about this photo, she remembers how she never went to a party. The movie will follow her and her friend's journey in trying to figure out who the girl in the photo is that looks exactly like her and who is framing her. 

Now, for my film opening, I am going to start it off with either some shots of items around her room that represent the main character or with a longer shot of the camera moving from the floor following up to her sleeping in her bed. It will set in the morning with light peeking through the window into the room. The scenes later will be of her waking up from the sound of spam texts on her phone. When she wakes up she checks the time and sees a bunch of mixed texts and calls. Ignoring them, she forces herself to get up from the bed and walk through the hallway into the kitchen. 

When she gets to the kitchen, there will be shots following her to the fridge. While she grabs food to eat, her phone will still be going off, ignoring once again, so she sits down to eat. When suddenly a loud repetition of knocks comes from the front of the house at the front door. Followed by some faint yelling, the startled girl walks over to the door. Getting closer, she realizes its her best friend. Opening the door, her friend walks in the house. She starts confronting her about the picture and asking why she hasn't been answering her phone. The girl, confused, asked to see the picture. Once she sees it, she seems a bit disturbed and confused, realizing that's not actually her in the picture.

The film opening will end when the girl tells her friend that she wasn't ever at a party and she doesn't know who that girl is that looks exactly like her. Leaving them both stunned. 

The girl and her best friend will be around the age of 16–17. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Group Meeting 1 Reflection

 Group Meeting Discussion!

Hey everybody! Today in my Aice Media Studies class we were assigned groups where we got to discuss our film openings and our overall movie plot. 

To be honest the group meeting did help me understand and gather more ideas. By the help of my group members I was able to come up with my full film opening idea. I still have to work on the overall movie plot, but I have my concept and film opening down. 

Here is a summary of my group members film opening/ movie plot.


For Fabiana's film opening She is doing a thriller/mystery. It begins with a guy waking up, he is heading out to work when he realizes his missing his keys. So he calls a taxi. The taxi driver is acting a bit strange. When getting in the car he sees a wallet, tempted to steal it he opens it, only to find its his own wallet. On the radio he hears his name being brought up how he died a year ago. So the film will be about the man trying to figure out why he died and why he is stuck in this weird reality.

Fabiana's film was inspired by her father who has written a mystery novel.


Wyatts film opening is a thriller/mystery as well. Based on a "gut feeling" Wyatt is making his film about A man waking up, going through his daily routine, when he's feeling somethings off and wrong. The film opening will be about the Point of view of the man and his journey questioning his reality. This film idea was inspired by the movie "The Truman Show". 


Her film is going to be a mystery thriller/ coming-of-age. Taking place at a party, something bad happens and a group of girls are trying to piece together what happened. Suggested by Wyatt during our discussion and feedback process in class, he said she should show the perspectives of each character when they are trying to figure out what happened. Each character will gather footage/evidence through videos, pictures, and polaroid's. I think this was a great idea as it creates suspense and mystery. Amparo's film opening was inspired by the movie, "Project X". 


Jayden's movie is going to be a Psychological drama. About a girl who has been mute majority of her life. She has an abusive father and a deceased mother. The pain of the father was so big where he wanted to move him and his daughter to a new place. This place is sort of like a village that ends up being a cult. With the abuse and trauma the girl begins to worship herself instead of her normal religious practices, setting a darker tone for the film. When discussing this during the group meeting Jayden explained it very well. I can tell he is a very well spoken person by the way he had everything laid out. I think his film opening will be very good.

His film was also inspired by the movie "Love exposure".


Luis's movie is going to be horror/psychological thriller. Its going to be a zombie-based movie. Set in the future, he wants to show how society has lost its structure and how humans go back to their basic needs of survival. He wants to show that the problem isn't the zombies but the humans themselves. In this film, while the zombies still lurk around, humanity will be turning on each other. I personally thought this was a very creative idea, I enjoyed the message he is trying to show by portraying how the desperation of humans and their needs for survival, drives them to do the unthinkable. This film idea was inspired by the movie "World War Z".

Sunday, February 9, 2025

My audienceee

Hey guys! In this blog post, I decided to discuss and show an example about the target audience. After recently creating the story line for my film opening, I wanted to explain my target audience for my film opening project. 

My film opening is going to be based on teenagers, specifically females, ages ranging from 16 to 20. 

My film is going to be about a teenage girl who kind of has a messy lifestyle. She is a high school student who doesn't care much about school. She is kind of rebellious, but also to herself. Her family life is kind of lonely and complicated.

So for my target audience, I am aiming for teenagers who feel and relate to my main character and her lifestyle. 

An example of a film that I would say aims for the same target audience is, "Lady Bird". 

Lady Bird is a movie about a 17-year-old high school girl. She is eager to escape her small town and overbearing mother. She is a kind of shy and awkward girl who is just trying to search for her independence and identity. This movie aims to reach those who share the similar experiences of Lady Bird in adolescence, self-discovery, and family dynamics, as well as relationships.

I wanted to make my film opening be aimed towards young teen girls, such as myself, because I feel like I can best represent my work and ideas when I'm able to relate to them.


 Hey everybody In todays blog, I'm going to be discussing three opening credit sequences from different drama films. From my research, I was hoping to find some good examples and ideas from the movies for my own film. I think these will help me be more creative for my own opening sequence.

The first opening is from the film "The Edge of Seventeen." Here is a link to the video.

I personally enjoyed how this movie did their opening credits. I liked how they kept it nice and simple by including a white background. They made the credits pop out by using bright colors. I also enjoyed how they used editing to make some of the credits at the end of the word look like they were falling down. I thought that was very creative and made me consider doing something creative as well for my film. I think the music they used fits well with the main character because its kind of an upbeat, childlike sound. 

The second opening sequence is from the 1982 film "Fast Time at Ridgemont High.". The link for the video is down below.

I like how they made the opening sequence have an 1980's vibe. Using the song "We Got the Beat" by the GO-Go's. This song projects high energy and a carefree atmosphere. While the credits are being shown, there are many shots of the camera going through the Ridgemont Mall focusing on different people. I think this opening sequence is unique because it gives almost like a build-up to what the opening scene will be. I also like the vibe of the song and setting combined.

The last opening sequence is from the movie "American Graffiti." Here is the link to the video.

This opening sequence captures the essence of the 1960's and sets a nostalgic tone. The music is a classic rock and roll and pop song known as "Show Me the Way to Go Home" and "Rock Around the Clock." These songs are a big part in helping create the movie's aesthetic and atmosphere. The sequence opens with a shot of an American town, lingering the camera on the cars going down the street. The title cards are a typography and font that is used to evoke an early 60's look. They are shown when the shot is of teenagers in their cars, showing that the film is about young adolescence and their lives. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Film Opening Timeline

Hi everybody!! In today's blog, I am going to be breaking down my schedule and timeline for my portfolio project. I thought it would be a good idea to write down a schedule for everything so I can organize my thoughts and what I need in order to complete this project and make my film as good as possible.

Here is a picture of my planning that I wrote down on paper.

Here is a timeline for when I will attempt to get each step done.


1st Week: (2/11-2/16)

-finish researching about film opening

- write the movie plot

-create script for film

2nd Week: (2/17-2/23)

-finish script

-create storyboard

-find actors

-set filming dates

-find location for filming

3rd Week: (2/24-3/2)

-start filming

-create set

-gather props

-record foley if needed

4th Week: (3/3-3/9)

-finish any filming

-begin editing

-start the first part of editing

-record any foley 

-find non-copyright music

Week 5: (3/10-3/16)

-Editing and analyzing

-go over editing

-being reviewing

Week 6: (3/17-3/23)


-review CCR

Week 7: (3/24-25) 

-finish any last editing and touches

This is just a brief summary of what I will be doing each week. So stay tuned for my blog postings for updates on the project!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

3 different perspectives

 Hey everybody, In today's blog, I will be discussing three different film openings of drama. These specific excerpts will be useful in the process of my film opening. 

The first film is "Thirteen" (2003)

This is a coming-of-age teen drama that follows a young girl named Tracy's descent into rebellion and self-destruction. This movie shows the real-life problems that many teenage girls have gone through. In the opening scene of this movie, the film starts with Tracy and Evie, two thirteen-year-old girls. It starts with a slap across the face. The scene shows Tracy and Evie sitting in Tracy's room on her bed, slapping each other hard enough to leave a mark. They are inhaling compressed air while laughing manically with each other. This opening scene is to show the more dark side of the film and girls and portray the realness of troubled teens, especially in girls. The film explores the raw emotions of the girls and how they act out their pain. 
I chose this specific movie because I was inspired by how intriguing the opening scene was. After watching the movie, I believe the opening scene did an excellent job at showing what the movie was going to be about and how Tracy transforms into that torubled girl. This movie inspired me in a way to maybe make my film opening more realistic and vulnerable. And to show my characters in a way that is raw.

The second film is "Juno" (2007)
This is a comedy-drama film that follows a girl named "Juno," a 16-year-old high schooler who finds out she is pregnant. She chooses to give her baby up for adoption but starts experiencing complications when her baby's father starts to become more loving and caring for Juno and their potential future with the baby. This movie tackles topics of pregnancy, abortion, and bodily change as Juno goes through her pregnancy. Juno goes on a journey of self-discovery as she learns about love and responsibility. The opening scene is a hand-animated title sequence that follows Juno walking through the neighborhood going to a convenience store, where she gets a pregnancy test. This scene gives the viewer an idea of how Juno perceives the world. 
I like this movie because it discusses real-life situations that happen to many girls in a more lighthearted and comedic way. It displays the emotion and journey of a young pregnant girl who is figuring out how to handle everything and how to grow. I personally felt inspired by this film opening because I liked how they made it unique to the character to show her niave side and show that she really is just a young girl who is trying to tackle this specific situation.

The last film is "The perks of being Wallflower" (2012) 

This is a romance/drama film that follows a young boy named Charlie, who is a socially awkward and introverted freshmen. The film shows how he struggles with personal trauma, the complexities of growing up, and his search for acceptance. He is struggling with the death of his best friend and family issues. In the movie, Charlie begins to write letters to someone who is anonymous, sharing his personal emotions and thoughts. Throughout the film, Charlie grows a bond with two seniors, who introduce him to new people and show him love and acceptance. This film explores themes of mental health, trauma, and identity. The opening scene shows Charlie writing a letter to an anoymous friend. He is writing about his first day in high school.
I think this movie does a beautiful job of showing teenage struggles when dealing with personal trauma and mental health issues. I think the actor portrays Charlie very well, showing his shy and innocent character while also showing the rough life he is experiencing. This movie makes me inspired to create a well-written and shot film opening for my project.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Drama genre :)

Hello everybody! In today's blog, I will be going more into depth about a genre I had in mind for my portfolio project.

This genre is Drama

I personally enjoy watching "drama" movies and TV shows because I believe drama will always be entertaining.

Drama is about telling real emotional stories, focusing on characters and their real-life problems, struggles, and relationships. Although I don't know exactly what I want my film opening to be about, I know I want it to be a drama of some sort. Here are some films that I have been looking into that I really like and may want to take inspiration from and focus my film around.

The first film is called "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." 

This is a coming-of-age movie that was created in 2012, about a shy, introverted boy who is a high school freshmen. The movie focuses on his struggles and mental health issues while figuring out his purpose in the world. I personally wanted to research more into this film because it touches on deep topics and shows the emotional struggles of teenagers. This film does a great job in handling and discussing difficult topics and makes me want to be able to share my experiences cinematically. I think I could create my film opening to be similar in the aspect of showing teenage life and struggles.

The second film is called "The Edge of Seventeen" made in 2016. This discusses similar topics. Following 17-year-old girl, who deals with feelings of loneliness, insecurity, and fustration. She finds herself in arguments with her family, specifically her mother. This movie captures the misunderstandings of being a teenage girl navigating through ;ife and complicated family relationships. I think this movie does a great job in showcasing the confusing emotions of an awkward teenage girl trying to find herself. This movie inspires me to also revolve my film opening to be invloved in these kind of movie topics.

Overall, while researching this genre and these incredible movies, I am starting to aim my film opening to be a drama about a teen who struggles with their own emotions and goes through hardships, such as the characters in these movies. 

Thanking you guys so much for tuning in to today's blog.

The beginning of a transition!

The beginning of a transition...


My transition into my Aice Media Cambridge Portfolio Project!!

Hey guyss! Recently in class, my teacher has introduced us to a new major project. For this project, we must create a film opening. 

So from this point forward, my blog posts will be focusing on the entire process and production of my film opening portfolio project. 

To be completely honest, when I was first introduced to this project, I was a bit stressed because I had no idea where to start. Over the past week, I've been taking the time to figure out what I wanted to get started on first. 

I have been reviewing the notes I took from class about "film openings." These are some of the notes I wrote down.

For this project, I must create a 2-minute film opening that needs to be a new fiction film. I must say that going into this I am a bit stressed because I am creating this all by myself, but I think with the use of the notes I will be able to ace this project. 
I have had a hard time deciding what genres I want to focus on choosing for my project, but so far I think drama is the genre I am leaning towards the most.
I have been writing and listing some topics my film could be about, and so far I have come up with about 3 different topic ideas. 
The first idea I had was to make the film about a girl sad about leaving her old life behind because she is moving with her dad to a new state. 
The second idea was to make it about either a girl and her friend having an argument over something or a couple arguing about something.

The second idea was to create the film to be something about a girl who is deep in her emotions. 

I would like my film opening to be unique, cinematic, and engaging. 

Hopefully as time goes by I can focus on one topic and create it to be the best of my work. I hope you all can be apart of this journey with me and follow me along in this long production process. Bye guys!! I'll keep you updated!

CCR research part 2

 Hey everybody In today's blog, I will be showing you my research for the second question of the CCR. Here is the second question: - How...