Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Group Meeting 1 Reflection

 Group Meeting Discussion!

Hey everybody! Today in my Aice Media Studies class we were assigned groups where we got to discuss our film openings and our overall movie plot. 

To be honest the group meeting did help me understand and gather more ideas. By the help of my group members I was able to come up with my full film opening idea. I still have to work on the overall movie plot, but I have my concept and film opening down. 

Here is a summary of my group members film opening/ movie plot.


For Fabiana's film opening She is doing a thriller/mystery. It begins with a guy waking up, he is heading out to work when he realizes his missing his keys. So he calls a taxi. The taxi driver is acting a bit strange. When getting in the car he sees a wallet, tempted to steal it he opens it, only to find its his own wallet. On the radio he hears his name being brought up how he died a year ago. So the film will be about the man trying to figure out why he died and why he is stuck in this weird reality.

Fabiana's film was inspired by her father who has written a mystery novel.


Wyatts film opening is a thriller/mystery as well. Based on a "gut feeling" Wyatt is making his film about A man waking up, going through his daily routine, when he's feeling somethings off and wrong. The film opening will be about the Point of view of the man and his journey questioning his reality. This film idea was inspired by the movie "The Truman Show". 


Her film is going to be a mystery thriller/ coming-of-age. Taking place at a party, something bad happens and a group of girls are trying to piece together what happened. Suggested by Wyatt during our discussion and feedback process in class, he said she should show the perspectives of each character when they are trying to figure out what happened. Each character will gather footage/evidence through videos, pictures, and polaroid's. I think this was a great idea as it creates suspense and mystery. Amparo's film opening was inspired by the movie, "Project X". 


Jayden's movie is going to be a Psychological drama. About a girl who has been mute majority of her life. She has an abusive father and a deceased mother. The pain of the father was so big where he wanted to move him and his daughter to a new place. This place is sort of like a village that ends up being a cult. With the abuse and trauma the girl begins to worship herself instead of her normal religious practices, setting a darker tone for the film. When discussing this during the group meeting Jayden explained it very well. I can tell he is a very well spoken person by the way he had everything laid out. I think his film opening will be very good.

His film was also inspired by the movie "Love exposure".


Luis's movie is going to be horror/psychological thriller. Its going to be a zombie-based movie. Set in the future, he wants to show how society has lost its structure and how humans go back to their basic needs of survival. He wants to show that the problem isn't the zombies but the humans themselves. In this film, while the zombies still lurk around, humanity will be turning on each other. I personally thought this was a very creative idea, I enjoyed the message he is trying to show by portraying how the desperation of humans and their needs for survival, drives them to do the unthinkable. This film idea was inspired by the movie "World War Z".

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