Sunday, February 9, 2025


 Hey everybody In todays blog, I'm going to be discussing three opening credit sequences from different drama films. From my research, I was hoping to find some good examples and ideas from the movies for my own film. I think these will help me be more creative for my own opening sequence.

The first opening is from the film "The Edge of Seventeen." Here is a link to the video.

I personally enjoyed how this movie did their opening credits. I liked how they kept it nice and simple by including a white background. They made the credits pop out by using bright colors. I also enjoyed how they used editing to make some of the credits at the end of the word look like they were falling down. I thought that was very creative and made me consider doing something creative as well for my film. I think the music they used fits well with the main character because its kind of an upbeat, childlike sound. 

The second opening sequence is from the 1982 film "Fast Time at Ridgemont High.". The link for the video is down below.

I like how they made the opening sequence have an 1980's vibe. Using the song "We Got the Beat" by the GO-Go's. This song projects high energy and a carefree atmosphere. While the credits are being shown, there are many shots of the camera going through the Ridgemont Mall focusing on different people. I think this opening sequence is unique because it gives almost like a build-up to what the opening scene will be. I also like the vibe of the song and setting combined.

The last opening sequence is from the movie "American Graffiti." Here is the link to the video.

This opening sequence captures the essence of the 1960's and sets a nostalgic tone. The music is a classic rock and roll and pop song known as "Show Me the Way to Go Home" and "Rock Around the Clock." These songs are a big part in helping create the movie's aesthetic and atmosphere. The sequence opens with a shot of an American town, lingering the camera on the cars going down the street. The title cards are a typography and font that is used to evoke an early 60's look. They are shown when the shot is of teenagers in their cars, showing that the film is about young adolescence and their lives. 

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CCR Research part 3

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