Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Sound

 Hi guys! Today I will be discussing my Sound project and showing how to create your own. 

During the production of my "Sound" project I learned a variety of things. One of the things I learned was while watching one of the Foley videos, I learned that you can use objects around you to help dramatize or enhance sound. For example, shaking foil can recreate the sound of the wind. 

For the production of your own sound project you can follow these steps. First create a storyline that can happen between 1-2 minutes. Then focus on the sounds of that scene. Use Foley techniques to help recreate your sound. You can use the audio recording app on your phone to record all of the sounds. No video is allowed, to avoid this you can use a black screen.

For my project we did a brainstorm, where we wrote out our ideas and came up with a storyline. We wrote down our scene and followed it up with the different types of sounds we could use to help develop the scene. When editing my sound project my partner and I both used Adobe premiere.


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