Wednesday, October 30, 2024

All About Horror!

All About Horror!

Hi guys! I'm going to be discussing about the topic of genre in film, specifically about "Horror". 

Horror is a genre that many people are into, such as myself. There is a very wide variety of different kinds of horrors for people to watch which is something I find intriguing. 


In Horror films typical content conventions may be the atmosphere, where they portray the movie in a isolated and dark/eerie setting. They also go for primarily abandoned places. They use jump scares to create a unexpected, thrilling, and fearful moment. In many horror movies they use a lot of gore. This is to display more graphic and unsettling/uneasy scenes to provoke peoples emotional reactions.

Production Technique

 The use of suspenseful and eerie music help create the sense of terror and uneasiness. They use low-key lighting for shadows and jump scares. Using different camera angles can create more suspense and mystery surrounding the horror and antagonist.


Horror films can be for audiences aged 13 and up, depending on the kind of horror film. They typically go for a younger audience of 15-25. They aim for people who enjoy thrills and excitement, as well as suspense. People who enjoy being scared and have a desire for intense emotion are often more attracted to these kinds of films. 


Some film samples in horror can be like the movie "Scream 5". 

In this film they use conventions such as, slasher elements where there is a masked killer who murders people with a signature weapon (Knife). It also includes suspense and tension to build fear through the atmosphere and unexpected plot twists. This movie is a series where this specific one is the 5 part. In this movie it follows a young girl named "Tara" who is home alone, when all the sudden she gets a call from an unknown number, claiming to be the ghost face, where she then almost dies. The rest of the movie is her older sister and other characters trying to figure who this masked killer is.

Another example is "Smile 2".

 This movie shows much about horror. During the entire movie they have you on edge. What I believe helped them create this reaction from audiences is the production techniques, which include: The dim lighting, distorted chords and eerie music during quiet scenes. They also used a lot of jump scares through out this movie to gain that emotional reaction out of the viewers. Smile 2 is a part 2 to smile 1, where a young popstar who came back after a traumatizing year is faced with a "curse/supernatural" being that leads her to acting crazy and seeing things. This movie contains many plot twists and unsettling scenes.

Here are some other examples: 

1) In the Tall Grass -

2) A quiet place- 

3) The conjuring-

4) Longlegs- 

5) Black Phone-

Friday, October 18, 2024

The representation of Outerbanks

 Hey guys! For today's blog I’m going to be discussing about representation of my favorite Tv show, “Outer Banks. 

Outer Banks is a show about a group of kids who get into a lot of dangerous situations when on the hunt for treasure.  

Throughout the show you can see very clearly that they live in a very stereotypical and selective town. Where the poor side of the outer banks are called “Pogues”, and the rich side are called “Kooks”. The groups of kids are “Pogues” who are known around the town as troublemakers and “juveniles”. Two major characters, “John B and JJ” who are considered “Pogues” are stereotyped by the kooks as being reckless and juvenile. This selection creates the idea that “Pogues” are trashy delinquents and untrusting, because of their different lifestyles. But if you are a “Kook you would be seen as wealthy and upper class, as well as more reliable and trustworthy. Such as the characters, “Rafe” and “Topper.  

Topper (Kook) from Outer Banks

Characters like, “Kiera” and “Sarah” were raised as kooks, but since they hang around the Pogues other people categorize them as being “trashy and reckless”. This shows that because of the stereotypes and selection there is, the Pogues are portrayed as bad people when in reality they are just kids who have a very low-income and work hard all day.  

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Sound

 Hi guys! Today I will be discussing my Sound project and showing how to create your own. 

During the production of my "Sound" project I learned a variety of things. One of the things I learned was while watching one of the Foley videos, I learned that you can use objects around you to help dramatize or enhance sound. For example, shaking foil can recreate the sound of the wind. 

For the production of your own sound project you can follow these steps. First create a storyline that can happen between 1-2 minutes. Then focus on the sounds of that scene. Use Foley techniques to help recreate your sound. You can use the audio recording app on your phone to record all of the sounds. No video is allowed, to avoid this you can use a black screen.

For my project we did a brainstorm, where we wrote out our ideas and came up with a storyline. We wrote down our scene and followed it up with the different types of sounds we could use to help develop the scene. When editing my sound project my partner and I both used Adobe premiere.


CCR research part 2

 Hey everybody In today's blog, I will be showing you my research for the second question of the CCR. Here is the second question: - How...